To put this in perspective, consider a colonist who has taken 20hp of damage to various body parts, given different recovery scenarios:
Is the wound tended?: +4 for a 0% quality tend and +0.08 per point of tend quality, up to +12 at 100% tend quality. Is the pawn lying down or in a bed?: +4 for resting on a sleeping spot or the ground, +8 for resting on a bed / bedroll, and +14 for resting on a hospital bed. Default healing rate: All pawns have a base heal rate of 8. The exact heal rate is determined by adding up three factors: This is equivalent to healing heal rate points of damage per in-game day ( 60,000 ticks), or healing an average of 1 point of damage every 60,000 / heal rate ticks. This healing reduces the severity of the injury, and when the severity of the injury reaches zero the injury is fully healed.Įvery 600 ticks ( 10 secs), heal rate × 0.01 points of damage are healed from a randomly selected (non-permanent) wound. Injured colonists will recover from their wounds over time.Įvery couple of minutes in game, a random injury will be healed by a small amount. It tells the body when it is injured, and without pain or player intervention, pawns will continue to fight until they either win, die or, less likely, recieve a crippling injury to the legs, pelvis or spine. This does not come without a downside, however. Certain drugs such as go-juice and smokeleaf inhibit pain, and the painstopper implant removes it altogether. Most pawns go into pain shock once their pain exceeds 80% except for wimps who are downed at 20% pain.
Downing from other sources such as hypothermia, heatstroke, or toxic buildup do not kill instantly. This can be particularly annoying when trying to capture a specific pawn for recruitment. Enemies have a chance to die instantly after being downed from pain, which can be adjusted in the difficulty settings. Injuries cause pain to a pawn, and excessive pain can cause a pawn to be downed from pain shock.